Footsites Monitor

Getting Started

Valor makes going for Footsites restocks easy. Our footsites monitor provides users the ability to run for restocks 24/7 without having to be at your computer.

To get started, press the purple plus button at the top of the Footsites Monitor page. You will be presented with a pop-up where you can enter whatever name you want the group to be.

Creating Tasks

  • Site: Select the Footsite(s) that you are looking to run restocks on. You can select Any Site if you want to go for any Footsite within the list.

  • Product SKUs: Enter the SKU you're hoping will restock. Enter this line by line as shown in the example.

  • Size: Select the size you want your tasks to go for when they are created.

  • Stop Tasks After No Checkouts: After there are no more checkouts, this will stop your tasks. Example: If I have it set to 2, it will stop tasks 2 minutes after there are no checkouts.

  • Alert on Start: If this is selected, it will send a Discord notification when it starts tasks.

  • Alert for Product Page: When the product page goes live for a restock, it will alert you within discord if this is selected.

  • Profile: Select the profiles / group you want to run for restocks.

  • Proxy: Select the proxy group you want running for restocks

  • Task Quantity: The amount of tasks you want additionally added on your selected profiles (ex: I have 2 profiles, and select quantity 2, it will create 4 tasks)

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Last updated