Yeezy Supply
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After you familiarize yourself with the bot, it's time to set up on a specific site. Head over to the tasks page, create your task group, and press the purple plus icon to get started with creating a task.
Task Group: Select the task group where you want your tasks to be created.
Site: Select the website you're trying to purchase from.
Mode: For YeezySupply, there is only one mode to select from, splash mode.
Monitor Input: Input the PID (SKU) that you're trying to go for. PID's are provided within Discord or in the Dashboard section of your bot before a release occurs.
Size: Select the sizes you want to go for. You can select a specific size range or random.
Profile: Select the profile group and profiles you want to cop with.
Proxy: Select your proxy group for YeezySupply.
Task Quantity: Input the number of tasks you would like to create per profile here. Total task count is determined by the number of profiles multiplied by the task quantity input.
YeezySupply utilizes Recaptcha V3. You need to make sure that before a release you log in to your Gmails and have your harvesters open and ready (Or have AYCD setup). To learn more about setting up harvesters visit the captcha guide.
For Yeezy Supply before starting tasks make sure your harvester or AYCD AutoSolve is set up correctly. Once that is done, you can start your tasks. When your tasks start they need to get the session, initialize, then enter the queue. After they pass the queue they will begin to cart and checkout. For the most part, you let your tasks run without needing to do much.
"Failed <Any Stage> (5XX)" is caused when the site is down due to a lot of traffic, just let your tasks run. This issue is out of our control.
Stuck on "Refreshing Session" happens when the task needs to get the session, but the session is not ready. They should go through after a few retries, but sometimes it may take longer. This is usually an issue with ISP proxies when too many tasks are being run on the same proxy and the site is under a lot of traffic around drop time.
Stuck on "Waiting for Captcha". If you get this error first make sure your captcha solvers are set up correctly, visit the Captcha section of the documentation. If you have these set up correctly take a look at your harvester windows. I the top of the window says proxy error or is stuck on "Initializing" then you need to change your captcha proxy as the harvester cannot connect to it. If your harvester is stuck with the captcha logo frozen press the refresh button on the harvester to see if it gets fixed. If the captcha logo is still stuck you might be running too many tasks for your internet so lower the task amount.
"Ghost <Any Stage>". When your tasks keep retrying when the site is down what ends up happening is the antibot cookie expires then you start seeing “Ghost” statuses, there is no way to prevent this than trying to regen a cookie which is difficult so often times tasks get stuck there or sometimes get through, this is where your proxy quality comes into play. If it can regen a cookie and the site is still down it’ll loop again till the cookie expires again and repeat until it can get through and cart or submit checkout.
"Error <Any Stage>". When it has just the word "Error" in front of the stage it means the task was flagged by the Yeezy Supply Firewall aka Anitbot. You are more likely to get this issue if you have bad proxies.
"Session Expired" happens when the task has been retrying for too long. A task session usually lasts 10 minutes. When the session expires the task is stopped.
"Profile Error" means there is an issue with the profile. Most times it is due to a Zip Code ban.
Are you still stuck after reading over this guide? No problem! Feel free to make a support ticket within Discord with whatever questions you have to receive further support.